Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

Today is the last day of 2013, literally. That means, this is my last post in 2013- lol no, that means 2014 will come in less than 24 hours! And the question is, have you achieved your dream in 2013? And how was it? Is it way better than 2012?

For me, 2013 was an average year. It was not bad but it was not (that) good either. I can barely remember every single thing that happened in 2013 because yes, there's a lot of priceless experience i got. I had a new year celebration with my current classmates, 3KA04 (but it was 2KA04 last year!). And we're going to hold a new year celebration again to welcome 2014! I'm so excited!

In the beginning of 2013, we had a trip to Puncak (it was around Feb / March I guess) and this trip was so fun! We had so so so much fun! And several months later we went to Sawarna and I gotta admit that this trip was the best of the best. Every experiences we had are priceless. I can't wait for our next trip in 2014 woot woot!

Those are about my classmates and now it's about (coughs) me. During 2012 I managed to see my favorite idols pretty often. I went to Junsu's concert, MBLAQ's concert and I got a chance to greet Jaejoong with a high five. Kim freaking Jaejoong. I could have just collapsed (and died LOL) because he was so stunning. Everything about him is perfect.

But in 2013 I didn't get to see my favorite idols, SNSD. It was so heartbreaking because I was so close with them but I didn't get a chance to meet them in person. But several weeks before SNSD concert, I went to Infinite's concert! (special thanks to Mae, for everything!) Infinite was incredible! 

And I'm pretty much obsessed with some idols in 2013 and this is so unhealthy. :c they are living a thousand miles away and they don't even know about my existence. And worse, he got many people liking him too. 

So, I wish 2014 will be so much better than 2013 or 2012. I'm sorry for my grammar errors, I'm so sleepy and tired, yes. Xoxo, ilym Sehun. Giggles.

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